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Improvements over 1.2

Large Improvements

  1. Better Append Boxes: by including a symbol after the append +, you can slightly alter the functionality of append boxes
    • ^ append area stays at top and appends go down
    • _ appends are separated by lines
    • + replicating appends
    • @ timestamps for appends
    • - appends without areas

Small Improvements

  1. <code>code goes here</code> exception allows users to more easily post code (C, Smalltalk, XML, HTML, etc.) to a Swiki without the format conversions taking place
  2. Dock Color Scheme: this new color scheme based on Apple's Dock for OS X should be a nice one to use
  3. Spaces in upload names are preserved and replaced with _ (underscore) when served soas to not mess up certain browsers
  4. The help guide was updated and the descriptions of the buttons are taken from the ALTernate tags
  5. MVC version of the SwikiBrowser

Bug Fixes

  1. "Sensitive" is spelled correctly on the search page
  2. The log file format was fixed slightly (to use tab, not space)
  3. Changed cache control to be "no-cache"
  4. Append field needed an extra <br> for some browsers
  5. Locking works again for the "docs" package
  6. Aqua Color Scheme works again

Comanche Improvements

  1. Cookie Support
  2. Multiple Value Fields Support

Things Still Not Done

Rather than wait around until everything is fixed to my liking, I've gone ahead and made this a release. There are a few things I said I would do that I have yet to. These are:
  1. Better Form Fields: I've yet to figure out a clean/elegant way to do this
  2. Limits on Upload Sizes: This has recently become an issue for us at Tech that will need addressing in the future